Latest Past Events

Harness the Mare Power in Breeding

Pudder's 18 Public Square, Shelbyville

The Indiana Thoroughbred Alliance is proud to present an in-person seminar with hopes to help breeders “Harness the Mare Power in Breeding” on August 19. The seminar will take place at Pudder’s in Shelbyville, Indiana, starting with a lunch buffet and networking, followed by an insightful seminar and more networking for Indiana Thoroughbred breeding farms and owners.

Ownerview Virtual Ownership Conference – Breeding to Win


In the ninth installment of the 2021 Ownerview Virtual Ownership Conference, a panel of successful breeders and owners talk about the research and decisions that go into breeding racehorses that regularly visit the winner's circle. RSVP to watch live, or you can watch on-demand after the panel.